As those TV cameras sweep the Stadium bowl, do you envisage your brand exposed to a national and international audience? You'll be surprised at the options available.
Why you should advertise at Sky Stadium
Record attendances and a strong diverse event calendar means Sky Stadium presents a unique opportunity for your company to gain high profile brand exposure for a surprisingly low outlay.
- The four-level, oval shape of the Stadium offers superb opportunities for companies to gain brand exposure to a high value consumer market
- The purpose-built circular design of the Stadium ensures that all brand signage is clearly visible for both TV and crowd exposure
- With different sites available throughout the Stadium, a promotional package can be tailored to reach quite specific markets
For further information on brand promotional opportunities at Sky Stadium please contact:
General Manager Contracts & Commercial
Telephone: +64 4 470 0412
Email: [email protected]
For information about on-field advertising please contact the relevant sporting code: